Model of electoral management

Republic of Nauru, Electoral Act, No. 15 of 2016 (including all the amendments as of August 2022), accessed 28 August 2022
4. Establishment of the Electoral Commission
(1) This Section establishes the Electoral Commission.
(2) The composition of the Electoral Commission shall consist of 3 Electoral Commissioners appointed under Section 14. [subs (2) subst Act 18 of 2021 s 5, opn 14 Sep 2021]
(3) An Electoral Commissioner shall swear an oath of office before a Judge of the Supreme Court as provided in Schedule 1. [subs (3) subst Act 18 of 2021 s 5, opn 14 Sep 2021]
9. Independence of the Electoral Commission
(1) Subject to any decision of a court, in the performance of its functions and in exercise of its powers, the Electoral Commission is not subject to the direction or control of a person or authority.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Electoral Commission may consult the Minister or any other person on any matter.
Electoral Act of 2016 introduced Nauru's first independent electoral management body (Electoral Commission). Before that Nauru had a governmental model of electoral management.