Model of electoral management

North Macedonia, Republic of
North Macedonia, Electoral Code (2006, last amended in 2019), [unofficial translation by IFES], accessed 30 May 2020 [Note: Electoral Code has been amended in February 2020. However, English version of this amendment cannot be found online. According to the OSCE Interim report produced in March 2020, the amendments did not affect the electoral management system.]
Article 17. Bodies responsible for administering the elections are:
- The State Election Commission,
- Municipal Election Commissions and the Election Commission of the City of Skopje,
- Election Boards, and
- Election Boards for conducting the polling at the diplomatic – consular offices of the Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter “DCOs“), or the consular offices.
Article 19(1). The president and members of the election management bodies shall execute the duties of their office impartially, conscientiously and responsibly, in accordance with their competences determined in this Code.
(2) The president and members of the election management bodies and the election administration shall have the right to compensation determined with an act of the State Election Commission.
ODIHR Election Observation Mission, Republic of North Macedonia, Early Parliamentary Elections, 12 April 2020, Interim Report (3 – 31 March 2020), accessed 30 May 2020