Model of electoral management

Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands, Elections Office, ELECTIONS ACT (2021 Revision), accessed 24 April 2021
Appointment, powers and duties of Supervisor
3. (1) The Governor shall, in the Governor’s discretion, appoint a person who holds a senior office in the public service or formerly held a senior office in the public
service to be Supervisor of Elections and the Supervisor shall —
(a) exercise general direction and supervision over the administrative conduct of elections and enforce on the part of all election officers, fairness,
impartiality and compliance with this Act;
(b) issue to election officers such instructions from time to time as the Supervisor may deem necessary to ensure effective execution of this Act; and
(c) execute and perform all other powers and duties which by this Act are conferred and imposed upon the Supervisor.
(2) For the purposes of this section, “senior office in the public service” includes a head of department or head of a statutory authority or government company or the deputy head of a department, statutory authority or government company.