Model of electoral management

Colombia, Constitution (1991, as amended in 2015), accessed 9 March 2022
ARTICLE 120. The electoral organization consists of the National Election Commission, the Office of the National Registrar of Civil Status, and of the other organs established by statute. It is responsible for the organization of elections, their direction and oversight, as well as matters relating to personal identification.
Colombia, Código Electoral (last updated on 03/26/2022), accessed 28 March 2022
Artículo 9. La organización electoral estará a cargo:
a) Del consejo Nacional Electoral; b) Del Registrador Nacional del Estado Civil; c) De los Delegados del Registrador Nacional del Estado Civil; d) De los Registradores Distritales, Municipales y Auxiliares, y e) De los Delegados de los Registradores Distritales y Municipales.
The electoral management functions are shared by two bodies, and both are formally independent.