Model of electoral management

Bolivia, Constitution 2009, accessed 10 May 2020
ARTICLE 205.I. The Pluri-National Electoral Organ (Organo Electoral) shall be composed of:
1.The Supreme Electoral Court.
2.The Departmental Electoral Courts.
3.The Electoral Judges.
4.The Juries of the polling places.
5.The Electoral Notaries.
II. The jurisdiction, competency and powers of the Electoral Organ and its different levels are defined in this Constitution and the law.
ARTICLE 206.I. The Supreme Electoral Court is the highest level of the Electoral Organ, and has national jurisdiction.
II. The Supreme Electoral Court is composed of seven members, who shall remain in office for six years without the possibility of re-election, and at least two of them shall be of rural native indigenous origin.
III. The Pluri-National Legislative Assembly shall elect six of the members of the Pluri-National Electoral Organ, by two-thirds of the votes of the members present. The President of the State shall designate one of its members.
IV. The election of the members of the Pluri-National Electoral Organ requires the prior public announcement, and the determination of the capacity and merits by public selection process.