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Supporting the Summit for Democracy 2024

February 29, 2024 • By Lisa-Marie Dalke
The third Summit for Democracy takes place on 18-20 March 2024 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, under the theme 'Democracy for Future Generations'. © The 3rd Summit for Democracy Preparatory Office 페이지북 인스타그램

The third Summit for Democracy will take place from 18 to 20 March 2024 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. International IDEA is contributing to the third Summit through its role as a Platform for Engagement with Civil Society, as an organizer of Summit activities, and as co-coordinator of the Global Democracy Coalition and the Partners for Democracy Day.

The third Summit for Democracy will take place from 18 to 20 March 2024 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. The three-day Summit will feature a range of activities under the theme ‘Democracy for Future Generations’. 

Day 1 of the Summit will consist of a ministerial conference with participating countries and expert roundtable discussions on "Technology and Democracy". 

Day 2 will feature diverse sessions and exhibition booths by Summit for Democracy cohorts, civil society, and youth organizations showcasing their work in shaping the future of democracy. 

On Day 3, the virtual Summit plenary with participating countries' heads of state and government and interventions from civil society will be held. 

Registrations for the Summit activities are open until 15 March 2024.

International IDEA's engagement with the third Summit for Democracy

International IDEA, in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Open Government Partnership, and the Community of Democracies, is an integral part of the Platform for Engagement with Civil Society (PEC). Together, the PEC organizations are supporting the government of the Republic of Korea to organize the second day of the Summit, the Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Engagement Day.

As co-coordinator of the Global Democracy Coalition, International IDEA further organizes the Partners for Democracy Day 2024  on 19 March 2024 that provides a global platform for civil society and other democracy actors.

International IDEA will be contributing to activities throughout the three-day Summit. As part of Day 2 of the Summit, International IDEA is organizing multiple sessions on topics such gender equality in democracy for future generations and democratic practices with citizens in wartime. On Day 3, International IDEA and its Chair Luxembourg will host a roundtable with Summit for Democracy (S4D) cohort co-leads to discuss their past and future engagement in the Summit. Furthermore, International IDEA's Secretary General Kevin Casas-Zamora will address the participating countries' heads of state and government in a virtual intervention during the Summit plenary.

The Cohort, Civil Society and Youth Day (Day 2 of the Summit)

The second day of the Summit, the Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Day, is taking place on on 19 March 2024 in the COEX Center, Seoul. The Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Day activities are a central part of the Summit during which S4D cohorts, civil society and youth organizations will highlight their work in shaping democracy fit for future generations in diverse sessions and exhibition booths. 

The agenda and registration for the Day 2 of the Summit can be found on the official website of the third Summit for Democracy and further practical information is available on International IDEA's Summit for Democracy Resource Portal.

International IDEA is supporting the organization of multiple sessions on Day 2 of the Summit:

  1. Gender Equality in Democracy for Future Generations (Gender Cohort Co-Leads International IDEA, Sweden and Romania)
    Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 11:00-12:30 KST (hybrid, live on YouTube)

Gender equality and safeguarding democracy for future generations is interlinked. Any effort to build resilient democracies and the related institutions will be flawed if it excludes or marginalises half of the world's population.

  1. Democratic Practices with Citizens in Wartime: CSOs and Youth Engagement in the Decision-Making Process (International IDEA and Internews Ukraine)
    Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 11:30-13:00 KST (in-person)

Parliaments have a vital role as democratic institutions in addressing the challenges of society. Engaging citizens, including youngsters in decision-making is essential to build public trust, increase the legitimacy of decisions, and achieve participatory, inclusive, and responsive governance - all pillars of a sustainable democracy. An engaged, well-educated citizen is at the heart of strong democratic societies. Civic education is needed for younger generations to build civic competencies, which will ensure their growth as responsible citizens. Creating an environment in which youth feel their voice counts is crucial. It is especially essential today when Ukrainians are fighting for the future. War brings outstanding challenges for parliamentary work, civil society, and democracy as a whole. The session will present and discuss the experience of Ukraine at war where governmental and educational institutions continue to operate, engaging with youth and civil society.

  1. Youths at the Heart of Democracy: Learning the Essential Roles Youth Play in Leading Change (International IDEA and Transparency International Secretariat)
    Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 16:30-18:00 KST (in-person)

Transparency International and International IDEA is focusing its session on the work of young people in the Asia Pacific region. The session is designed to showcase and present the work of young people in the region through the commitments of raising and amplifying issues on anti-corruption, political integrity, democracy through various creative initiatives that youths have created to allow for meaningful engagement. The session aims to highlight the essential role of youths in our region as young individuals and the emerging leaders in addressing thematic issues on strengthening democracy and fighting corruption. We hope to achieve our participation at all levels to be more effective and meaningful. Ensuring we are sharing the voices of every young people from our region to the Leaders.

  1. Joint reflections: Taking stock of the state of democracy: challenges and opportunities globally (International IDEA)
    Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 16:30-18:00 KST (hybrid, live on YouTube)

The objective of the panel discussion is to hold a joint reflection on the state of democracy globally among leading experts in the field of democracy assessment, drawing on both expert and public opinion data. The joint reflection will culminate in a comprehensive picture of key (persistent, emerging and new) challenges and opportunities to democracy globally and across different regions and how these have evolved since the first and second Summits for Democracy. The discussion is intended to inform the Summit for Democracy plenary discussions on day 3. The discussion also provides an opportunity for deepened collaboration among partner organizations in the Global Democracy Coalition and other stakeholders, demonstrating the value of collaborative analytical efforts to advance the global democracy agenda.

  1. 2024 - A High-Stakes Year for Democracy: Trends and Outlook (East Asia Institute, with participation of Leena Rikkilä Tamang)
    Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 12:30 – 1:10 PM (hybrid)

The year 2024 is set to be a pivotal year for democracy, with over half of the world's population participating in high-stakes elections across more than 50 countries. In light of these events, this Roundtable Luncheon aims to facilitate expert dialogue on the future of democracy, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities that democracy advocates around the world may encounter.

  1. Intergenerational Dialogues on Youth, Technology, and Democracy (Global Democracy Coalition, with participation of Elisenda Ballesté Buxó)
    Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 16:30-18:00 (in-person)

In the intergenerational dialogues of the Global Democracy Forum, participants will engage in discussions exploring the intersection of youth, technology, and democracy, aiming to foster collaboration and understanding across generations. The dialogues will address regional challenges and opportunities within the broader context of democratic governance.

International IDEA's support to the Summit for Democracy process

International IDEA views the Summits for Democracy as strategic opportunities to place democracy at the front and center of the global agenda. The war in Ukraine underscores, even more, the need for democracies to stand united in the face of authoritarian threats. International IDEA has therefore developed a strategic engagement programme around the Summits for Democracy.

In December 2021, the U.S. Government hosted the first Summit for Democracy with the aim to bring together government, civil society and private sector leaders to form a global agenda for democratic renewal.  The second Summit in March 2023 showcased progress made by governments on their commitments to strengthen democracy during the ‘Year of Action’ and the work of the 16 multi-stakeholder Democracy Cohorts. It was co-hosted by the governments of the U.S., Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and Zambia.

Ahead of the third Summit for Democracy, International IDEA is collaboratin with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Open Government Partnership, and the Community of Democracies, is supporting the government of the Republic of Korea to organize the Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Engagement Day of the Summit.

International IDEA contributes to the Summit for Democracy process through knowledge production, data and analysis, dialogues and partnership building. In its work, International IDEA aims to foster and facilitate civil society and multi-stakeholder engagement in the Summits for Democracy with democracy organizations from across the world. As co-coordinator of the Global Democracy Coalition, International IDEA organizes the Partners for Democracy Day that provides a global platform for civil society and other democracy actors.

International IDEA maintains the Summit for Democracy News and Resources Portal, funded by the European Union. The Portal includes a dashboard of countries' verbal and written commitments as well as an overview of the Democracy Cohorts' work. International IDEA is also the co-lead of two of the Democracy Cohorts – the Cohort on Youth Political and Civic Engagement and the Cohort on Gender Equality as a Pre-Requisite for Democracy


More information about International IDEA's support to the Summit for Democracy process.

About the authors

Lisa-Marie Dalke
Assistant, Supporting Team Europe Democracy

Press contact

Julia Keutgen
Programme Manager, Supporting Team Europe Democracy
Annika Silva-Leander
Annika Silva-Leander
Head of North America and Permanent Observer of International IDEA to the United Nations
Picture of Leena
Leena Rikkilä Tamang
Director for Asia and the Pacific
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