Elections are one of the most effective tools to counter democratic backsliding and regain momentum for democracy. However, if elections fail, democracy’s ability to recover and reboot falters. For this reason, competitive, inclusive, and transparent elections serve as a cornerstone of a functioning democracy.
Over the recent years and leading up to the contested elections of 2024, Georgia’s democratic environment, and especially its freedom of expression, association and assembly had already been deteriorating (GSoD 2023). This was manifested through persistent campaigns of intimidation against democracy activists and election observation groups, limitations on freedom of assembly and the media, and harassment of the political opposition. The recent halting of the country’s EU accession process—its strongest democratic anchor—has further weakened Georgia’s democratic foundations.
Ahead of and during the elections, the government has enacted amendments to the election code which undermined the impartiality and political balance of the Electoral Commission. The ruling party visibly distorted the electoral process through wide-spread clientelism and coercion in state institutions. Electoral justice and public confidence in the courts’ ability to sanction electoral malpractice remain low (OSCE/ODIHR 2024). These factors have undermined the public trust in the integrity of the elections.
International IDEA deeply regrets the unfolding crisis in Georgia and echoes the statements of the international election observation mission (OSCE/ODIHR) and the European Union. Over the years, International IDEA has collaborated with Georgia’s electoral management body, supporting its efforts to build a politically impartial institution and strengthen its expertise through sharing international best practices. To restore electoral integrity, consistent and coordinated efforts from political elites, election administrators, civic actors, and—most importantly—its citizens will be needed. The Institute stands ready to support these aims by fostering national efforts for strengthening the integrity of electoral and broader democratic processes.
As the crisis unfolds and citizens engage in peaceful protests, the government must guarantee the right to peaceful assembly and the right to a fair trial. It must ensure accountability by bringing perpetrators of attacks on protesters to justice.
International IDEA remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting Georgia’s citizens and institutions as they work toward restoring electoral integrity and securing the country’s democratic future.