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Statement on the elections in Venezuela

July 29, 2024

The popular will of the Venezuelan people, expressed in Sunday’s (28 July) election, must be respected. Venezuelans have the right to total transparency of the vote count. But these results are suspect and until independent observers verify the count, official recognition of the vote should be withheld. The international community owes this to Venezuelans, including the millions in exile, and to the health and resilience of global democracy.  

In the meantime, the Venezuelan government must guarantee the right of its citizens to peaceful assembly and protest. We expect the collaboration and reaction of governments and international organizations in the peaceful resolution of this impasse. 

This is the time to stand united with the democratic resolve of the Venezuelan people.

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Press contact

Marcela Rios Tobar
Director for Latin America and the Caribbean
Alistair Scrutton
Head of Communications and Knowledge Management
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