Many Southern African countries are endowed with abundant natural resources but unfortunately many of these countries are also characterized by poor governance and inadequate management of these resources. Few countries have successfully managed to use their wealth of natural resources to build a resilient, diversified and competitive economy that benefits all citizens.
To promote transparent, democratic and equally beneficial natural resource governance across Africa International IDEA’s Africa and West Asia Programme, partnering with the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) will host an inter-party dialogue on natural resource governance in Africa. The event will take place in the margins of the Mining Indaba in Cape Town between 9-10 February.
Bringing together participants from political parties, civil society, media and business groups from across Southern Africa the event aims to contribute to an open dialogue and collective reflection on the challenge of natural resource governance in Africa.
The dialogue is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the roots, effects, and consequences of the NRG deficits facing the countries of Southern Africa, as well as to identify ways of improving transition to sound management of natural resources in the region.
The knowledge-sharing and exchange of ideas about the particular situation and context in different countries will contribute to a better nuanced assessment of the overall NRG governance deficit situation in the region and enable participants to delineate a plan that can serve as a basis for further action at different levels.
For more information contact International IDEA’s Africa and West Asia Programme at africa