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Mauritius: Inter-agency collaboration against hybrid threats

July 12, 2024 • By Julia Thalin
Group photo. Photo by Lume Production Company Ltd / International IDEA.
On 9 July 2024, International IDEA and the Office of the Election Commissioner of Mauritius (OEC) organized a crucial ‘Technical and Advisory Support Event’ in Port Louis, focusing on ‘Inter-agency Collaboration in Countering Hybrid Threats’ as part of the Protecting Elections Project, funded by the Government of Canada. The external election security expert Sebastian Bay led the workshop with support from Julia Thalin, International IDEA's Associate Programme Officer for Electoral Processes.

This third workshop brought together 19 participants from various stakeholders, including the OEC, IT Security Unit, Independent Broadcasting Authority, Central Informatics Bureau, and the Cybercrime Unit (Mauritius Police Force), aiming to further empower them to understand, identify, and collaboratively counter hybrid threats to elections. 

The one-day event blended lectures, discussions, and scenario-based exercises to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring participants could apply learned concepts to real-world challenges. Lectures covered successful election protection efforts, key strategies and practices, and the importance of collaboration. Participants also engaged in exercises simulating hybrid threats to test and refine their response frameworks, identify joint information needs and any need for inter-agency collaboration to counter hybrid threats. 

Overall, participant feedback was positive, with attendees finding the content relevant and appreciating the provided examples and scenarios. Group work was particularly effective, as participants from each participating agency engaged in meaningful conversations, recognized the importance of interagency cooperation, and identified the need to form an election committee to facilitate future collaboration. 

The next step in the partnership between International IDEA and the OEC of Mauritius is a lessons-learned report to assess the quality of resources and events implemented under the Protecting Elections Project. 

For more details and updates on future events, stay connected with the Protecting Elections project.

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About the authors

Julia Thalin
Associate Programme Officer, Electoral Processes
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