International IDEA and the Fijian Elections Office signed a Memorandum of Understanding

The Fijian Elections Office (FEO) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Canberra, Australia and Suva, Fiji, on Thursday, 25 May 2023 that re-establishes ties between the organisations.
Both institutions are pleased to continue their relationship after a brief interruption since November 2021. International IDEA especially commends the Acting Supervisor of Elections Ana Mataiciwa for her endorsement of the Institute’s “Political Finance Assessment of Fiji” report, released in 2021, which the FEO will utilise in its forthcoming engagement with the country’s political parties. The study is part of a larger International IDEA initiative to review political finance systems in selected countries to advance an evidence-based global policy debate on money in politics. International IDEA looks forward to supporting the FEO.
Collaboration between International IDEA and FEO has already begun, with International IDEA providing strategic planning support on effective electoral management for the FEO’s 2024-2027 plan as well as technical advice on preparation for the revival of municipal elections in Fiji at the FEO’s request.
The Acting Supervisor of Elections Ms. Ana Mataiciwa said that the FEO is grateful to International IDEA and the signing of the MoU will fulfil and complement the FEO’s approach in organising more consultations with its stakeholders moving forward.
“I am grateful to the International IDEA for their belief in the FEO and for re-establishing our ties. The FEO will be reviewing the three existing electoral laws together with our activities and processes and the signing of the MoU will enable the FEO to conduct this effectively. FEO stands at the leading edge of a time of amazing developments and the signing of this MoU is indeed timely,” stated Ms. Mataiciwa.
Leena Rikkilä Tamang, International IDEA’s Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, highlighted the relevance of the MoU signing in Fiji’s electoral landscape.
"Signing this MoU between International IDEA and the Fijian Elections Office marks a new beginning in our long-standing co-operation. It is also very timely in view of the post electoral review of the December 2022 elections, and the ongoing preparations for the local government elections,” she said from Canberra.