First year of parliamentary management in Peru: International IDEA supports evaluation of the legislative work
![Members of Parliament from Peruanos por el Kambio (PPK) during meeting held on 20-21 July. Photo Credit: International IDEA](
International IDEA in Peru provides technical assistance to caucuses in Congress to evaluate the first year of parliamentary management.
Este artículo se encuentra disponible en Castellano
Upon conclusion of the first year in office of the new government, International IDEA has provided technical assistance and support to conduct evaluation meetings of the two caucuses with the greatest number of seats in Congress: Fuerza Popular (Popular Force)(55 per cent of the members of Congress) and Peruanos por el Kambio (Peruvians for Change)(13 per cent).
The event with the majority group Fuerza Popular took place on 4-6 July 2017, with participation of 68 of the 71 parliamentarians of this caucus as well, as the caucus leader Keiko Fujimori. A similar working session with Peruanos por el Kambio was held on 20-21 July 2017, in which 15 out of the 17 members of parliament of the party’s caucus participated. The working sessions focused on assessing legislative performance, identifying priorities in the parliamentary work, and defining the work plan of both the caucuses for legislative period 2017-2018.
In both cases, the issue of political reform was recognized as a priority and was included as part of the new parliamentary agendas. In addition, the issues of political financing, transparency, the fight against corruption and illicit money, were also recognized by both the caucuses as central topics. The participants also brainstormed on the need to review mechanisms to achieve a more inclusive democracy through greater presence of women and representatives of the Indigenous Peoples in the Congress.
Similar working sessions will be conducted in the following days with the other four caucuses in the Congress: Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (Popular Alliance for American Revolutionary), Alianza por el Progreso (Alliance for Progress), Frente Amplio (Broad Front) and Acción Popular (Popular Action).