Daniel Zovatto, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of International IDEA to participate in the Presidential Advisory Council against conflicts of interest, influence peddling and corruption in Chile.

On 10 March 2015, Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet created the Presidential Advisory Council against conflict of interests, influence peddling, and corruption. This recent development is very much in keeping with her commitment in taking institutional measures to regulate the relationship between money and politics in both the political and businesses spheres.
Fifteen persons of recognized and impeccable public and private background with differing points of view and specialties, as well as an Executive Secretariat team, will be part of this Council. The Council is chaired by Eduardo Engel, a full Professor of Economics at the Universidad de Chile, and one of the members is Daniel Zovatto, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of International IDEA.
The Advisory Council should propose measures in the administrative, legal and ethical fields to make the existing legislation more effective, and to provide institutions with the actual power to enforce controls and sanctions. Sanctions will need to be defined for those who have reached positions of popular representation through illegitimate practices, as well as for those that display incompetence and incompatibilities in the exercise of those positions. The remit of the council should also include the preparation of a strict code of ethical practices and criteria which will orient decisions in the areas of politics, businesses, and public service, in order to develop a culture and ethics of transparency.
The Council will make its proposals based on a consideration of best practice worldwide, and the results of hearings where citizens, experts and international organizations participate. It is in this area where the experience of International IDEA will be critical, providing access to national, regional and global comparative knowledge to the Council.