Sudan's Constitution Academy Begins: Leaving a Mark, Capacitate and Inform

International IDEA Sudan’s Programme launched the highly anticipated Constitution Academy. The academy is an intensive, interactive, residential academic programme, with a mixture of lectures, seminars, Q&A, exercises and simulations.
The training is delivered over eight days with a goal to encourage a stable, acceptable and democratic constitutional settlement in Sudan. Its specific aims are to engage Sudanese political actors, civil society and opinion-formers in constitution-building, improving their knowledge and understanding of constitutional matters; to build a community of trained and engaged leaders on constitutional issues that can keep up the pressure for democratic constitutional change, promote wider public engagement on constitutional issues, help identify opportunities for consensus and compromise, and ensure that apparently ‘technical’ aspects of constitution-making do not become detached from overriding political and societal goals. The training will be delivered by a range of selected constitution and public policy experts and led by International IDEA constitution-building programme.