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Women in Leadership and Political Participation - WPP Stories

August 23, 2022

About Women in Political Participation Project

Women in Political Participation (WPP) is a Pan-African gender project on the different facets of Women and Politics in Africa. Funded by Sida and implemented by International IDEA, its aim is to contribute to advancing the goal of gender equality in politics and governance, in line with the Maputo Protocol of 2003; various associated sub-regional protocols and standards, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Inclusive of International IDEA as a leading partner, the Project brings together a consortium of seven partner organisations: The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), Gender Links, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop’s Gender Laboratory (IFAN), Padare/Enkundleni Men’s Forum on Gender and Women and Law Southern Africa (WLSA). The project will be expanded across Africa once funds permit. 

Please contact International IDEA via (Sifisosami Dube, Programme Officer) for further information.


WPP Stories about women in politics


WPP in Practice

The WPP project contributes to women's political participation by creating knowledge products highlighting the State of women's political participation in Africa. These range from the Africa wide Barometer to regional and country-specific situation analysis reports and policy briefs. WPP also offers training and capacity building, dialogues with relevant stakeholders, advocacy, and platforms to celebrate the women in political leadership and those aspiring to be in leadership. 

WPP's main challenge is that progress in transformative female political leadership required a change in mindsets, attitudes and even culture in some instances. Africa is continuously battling profoundly entrenched patriarchy, hindering respect for women as political leaders. We also have challenges in systems such as electoral frameworks and resources for women to campaign in elections. 

The WPP project works with both aspiring women politicians and those already in political office, from the local government to the national level. They face challenges such as politically perpetrated violence, lack of resources to campaign adequately, lack of political will to consciously improve the levels of women in political participation, limited or biased media reporting, and patriarchy, among other challenges. 

International IDEA develops comparative knowledge, assist in democratic reform, and influence policies and politics, focusing on three main impact areas: electoral processes, constitution-building, political participation and representation. The WPP project links to International Idea focus areas on gender, diversity, and conflict and security.


WPP Stories



WPP Outcome Stories Collection 

WPP has compiled a series of stories showing the challenges and progress in participation in various countries in Africa. 




























Find more information about this project funded by Sweden and implemented by International IDEA on the official website: Women in Political Participation

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