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Training, Education and Research in Electoral Administration

Training, education, and research are important investments for running successful and trustworthy elections. Training promotes professionalism within the electoral management body (EMB) and ensures the smooth conduct of polling. Voter and civic education ensure that citizens know and use their political rights. Research and lessons-learned exercises contribute to innovation and adaptation.

This report was first published on 3 June 2021 and is updated regularly. The objective of the report is to promote the sharing of knowledge, experience, and good practice on training and education in electoral administration as per the New Delhi Statement on Electoral Capacity Development (July 2017).

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Publications and analysis on training, education and Research in electoral administration



International IDEA has developed a series of country case studies to better understand the dynamics of opening and operating electoral training and education facilities in different environments. Each case study takes a similar approach by focusing on the facility's beginnings, first years of operations, and years of development and expansion. The case studies are aimed at policymakers and practitioners involved in EMB design, focusing on operational training, professional development, voter and civic education, and research.


Policy Paper - Training and Professional Development in Electoral Administration (29 May 2023) 

Case Study 1 - Electoral Training and Education: The Case of IIIDEM in India (27 May 2021)

Case Study 2 - Electoral Training and Education: The Case of the Electoral Institute in Nigeria (27 May 2021)

Case Study 3 - Electoral Training and Education: The Case of the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training in Moldova (27 May 2021)

Cast Study 4 - Electoral Training and Education: The Case of the Information and Electoral Education Unit, ONPE Peru (27 May 2021)

Case Study 5 - National Training and Education Unit - Australian Electoral Commission (16 June 2021)

Case Study 6 - National Electoral Education Centre - Australian Electoral Commission (16 June 2021)

Workshop Report - International Consultative Workshop on Leveraging Electoral Training Facilities Worldwide and New Delhi Statement on Electoral Capacity Development (July 2017)

Handbook - The Development of Professional Electoral Management, Chapter 6 in Electoral Management Design, Revised Edition (20 December 2014)



Training, Education and Research in Electoral Administration: Investing in excellence (3 June 2021)

Election trainers share success and failure stories in workshop on best practices (10 March 2020)

Electoral capacity development: The New Delhi Statement (3 October 2017)


Peer to Peer Podcast Series   

How Australia’s EMBs train their electoral officials and educate their youth (7 February 2022)

Nigeria's 2020 Gubernational Elections - Conducting electoral training during the Covid-19 pandemic (7 December 2021)

UK 2021 Local Elections – The role of the Association of Electoral Administrators (8 November 2021)

Moldova 2021 Parliamentary Elections – The role of the Center for Continuous Electoral Training (18 October 2021)

Peru 2021 General Elections - Training the frontlines and informing the public (12 October 2021)


Dashboard on Electoral Training, Education and Research Facilities




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International IDEA's news on Elections and Professional Development 


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About the authors

Erik Asplund
Senior Advisor, Elections and Crisis
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