International IDEA views the Summit for Democracy as a strategic opportunity to place democracy at the front and center of the global agenda. The war in Ukraine underscores, even more, the need for democracies to stand united in the face of authoritarian threats. International IDEA has therefore developed a strategic engagement programme (2021-2023) around the Summits for Democracy process.
In December 2021, the U.S. Government hosted the first of two Summits for Democracy. In the face of challenges to democracy globally, they aim to bring together government, civil society and private sector leaders to form a global agenda for democratic renewal. A second Summit will be held on 29 and 30 March 2023, co-hosted by the governments of the United States, Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and Zambia. The Summit events will showcase progress made by governments on their commitments during the ‘Year of Action’ and the work of the 16 multistakeholder ‘Democracy Cohorts’. International IDEA is involved in the Summit events taking place in Costa Rica, Zambia, and the Netherlands.
International IDEA contributes to the Summit for Democracy Process through knowledge production, data and analysis, dialogues and partnership building. In its work, International IDEA aims to foster and facilitate civil society and multi-stakeholder engagement in the Summit for Democracy with democracy organizations from across the world. As co-coordinator of the Global Democracy Coalition, International IDEA is organising the Partners for Democracy Day on 27 March 2023 with more than 60 events around the world to place issues on the agenda of the Summit.
International IDEA further maintains the Summit for Democracy News and Resources Portal, funded by the European Union. The Portal includes a dashboard of the verbal and written commitments and the implementation progress made by the 98 countries. Just recently added, it now also provides an easy overview of all the 16 democracy cohorts and their work. International IDEA is also the co-lead of two of the Democracy Cohorts – the Cohort on Youth Political and Civic Engagement and the Cohort on Gender Equality as a Pre-Requisite for Democracy.
A full overview of International IDEA’s support to the Summit of Democracy 2021-2023 can be found here.
Strategic Engagement and Activities
This work is conducted by various teams, based in Brussels, Stockholm, Washington D.C., and Addis Ababa, with support from International IDEA Member States, and grants from the European Union and the Robert Bosch Foundation. With ‘Supporting Team Europe Democracy – Strengthening democracy evidence and communication around the Summit for Democracy’ (STED), the European Union collaborates with International IDEA to foster civil society engagement in the Summit and monitor outcomes. Activities on democracy data collection are carried out by International IDEA, European Partnership for Democracy and Reporters Without Borders. The project supports the global Team Europe Democracy initiative that was launched in 2021 by the European Commission and EU Member States. The Robert Bosch Foundation provides financial support to the Global Democracy Coalition, with more than 100 partner organizations, a multistakeholder platform on democracy convened by International IDEA to engage with the Summit for Democracy.
International IDEA News on the Summit For Democracy
- Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2023
- International IDEA support to the Summit for Democracy 2021-2023
- International IDEA hosts panel on the state of global democracy in advance of Summit for Democracy
- Summit for Democracy Gender Cohort: Gender Equality as a Prerequisite for Democracy
- Connecting global to local through country-level dialogues on the Summit for Democracy
- Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue: Beyond the Summit for Democracy, opportunities and the way forward
- Promoting the role of youth in political and democratic spaces
- Post Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Analyzing country commitments and exploring opportunities for engagement - Key Takeaways
- Gender equality and the Summit for Democracy
- Summit for Democracy 2021 - taking stock one month later