Public lecture (hybrid): What If Australia Becomes a Republic?

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Law invite you to a hybrid public lecture event: “What If Australia Becomes a Republic?” on Thursday, 6 October 2022, 09:00 –11:00 West Indonesian Time (Jakarta local time).
Hosted by the Centre for Constitutional Law Studies and the Centre for International Law Studies of the Faculty of Law, speakers will address the Australian Monarchy-Republicanism debate. Touching on topics of foreign policy, systems of governance and the public perception on the monarchy, this public lecture aims at students and academics alike.
The speaker of this event is Prof. Cheryl Saunders AO (Laureate Professor Emeritus - University of Melbourne) and the introduction and keynote speech will be given by Prof. Satya Arinanto, (a professor of Constitutional Law Department of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Indonesia). This public lecture will be moderated by Mohammad Novrizal, LL.M. (Lecturer of Constitutional Law Department & Chairman of the Centre for Constitutional Law Studies, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia).
Kindly register for online attendance via Zoom.
Time and venue
Time: Thursday, 6 October 2022
09:00 – 11:00 West Indonesian Time (Jakarta local time)
- “S & T Multimedia” Room, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, Depok Campus,
- Zoom (hybrid)