International Democracy Day Brussels 2022

Session : EU Presidencies and the EU External Democracy Agenda:
Seizing Momentum for Democratic Change
15 September, 11:45–13:00
European Committee of the Regions, rue Belliard 99/101, 1040 Brussels
The EU and its Member States are the biggest providers of democracy aid in the world. In the face of the war on Ukraine and democratic backsliding in countries across the world, EU’s external democracy agenda has become more crucial than ever. The EU through its policy and instruments designed to support democracy and democratisation processes across the world, as well as to strengthen the resilience of democracy and democratic institutions internally, has to reflect on the increasing challenges to democracy in the era of geopolitics. With the current and following Presidencies of the Council of the EU – the Czech Republic and Sweden, these issues will be taken to the forefront of the EU agenda. How are democracy priorities shifting to fit the rapidly changing context? How to innovate the policies to address the challenges of democratic backsliding ? How do EU policies align with priorities from EU Member States? This session aims at gathering insights on the EU democracy agenda 2022 and 2023 and recommendations from the Brussels democracy community and stakeholders for shaping future agendas. Active engagement of participants in the session is warmly encouraged. This session is part of International Democracy Day Brussels, a joint event organized by the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP), European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), and Carnegie Europe. The full conference programme can be consulted on <>.
This conference is also part of the events of the Global Democracy Coalition, a group of organizations committed to the advancement of democracy.