The Future of Representation and Political Parties: Opportunities and Challenges

The indispensable and paramount significance of representation lies in its foundational basis for sustainable democracy. Hence, the future of representation is an imperative for the future of democracy, because representation is the main system of the processes and institutions to support, advance and attain the goals on democracy.
Traditional political representation is under increasing pressure across all continents, most people have little trust in political parties. A wide variety of societal barometers from around the world indicate that political parties are among the least trusted institutions in society. However, this also reflects an increasingly critical way of thinking among citizens, and thus presents a positive incentive for reforms and transformation of political parties and politics in general. The failure of political parties to adequately represent different groups in society, lack of inclusion and responsiveness to citizens’ demands, evidence of persistent corruption erode the trust in political parties. (International IDEA 2017).
The webinar will explore the prevalent and increasing challenges on representation and political parties:
- What are the challenges in the party system and what change is required to reinvent the party system?
- What is changing about representation and what is driving the change?
- What should be the outlook of political parties as representative institutions of the future?
- How can political parties ensure that democracy delivers for citizens-beyond the lofty political campaigning rhetoric?
The webinar panellists are political actors from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe and it will be moderated by Laura Thornton, Director for Global Programme, International IDEA.
- Professor Sheila Bunwaree, Pan Africanist, Head of the Policy Council of the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM) and founder of the Social Justice Party in Mauritius;
- Dr Sukamta, Chief of Foreign Affairs for the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and a Member of the House of Representatives in the People's Representative Council of Indonesia;
- Dr Luis Revilla Herrero, Leader of Sovereignty and Freedom for Bolivia Party and Mayor of La Paz-Bolivia; and
- Ms Viktorija Pesic, Member of The Moderate Party and former President of European Youth Parliament -Sweden
El seminario web se interpretará simultáneamente en inglés y español. Se puede encontrar más información sobre el seminario web en español aquí.
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