Zimbabwe - 1985 - General Election
Larry Garber is an independent consultant with more than 35 years of experience working on issues relating to international development, democratic elections, and human rights. Larry was a senior official with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) for 15 years, including five years as mission director for USAID/West Bank-Gaza (1999-2004). He authored Guidelines for International Election Observing in 1984, which was the first handbook of its kind and sought to integrate human rights principles into the observation process.
Since the publication of the Guidelines, he has observed elections in more than 30 countries, most recently the Zimbabwe harmonized elections in 2018 and the Palestinian municipal elections in 2022. He also served as Carter Center Chief of Party for the Zimbabwe International Observer Mission from July 2022 to July 2023 but was denied a visa to enter the country. In 2017, Larry and several former colleagues who had worked on international election programs formed the Election Reformers Network, which sought to apply lessons from overseas to the US electoral process. In this capacity, he co-authored Guardrails For The Guardians: Reducing Secretary of State Conflict of Interest arguing for changes in the method for selection of chief election officers in the United States. Since 2020, he has also served on the National Task Force on Election Crises, which seeks to anticipate potential problems in the administration of elections and to address substantive solutions. Larry has also taught courses on Election Law: US and Comparative Experiences at the Arizona State University Law School
In the recording above, you can hear Larry share his experience in Zimbabwe.