Global Monitor of COVID-19’s Impact on Democracy and Human Rights
The Global Monitor of COVID-19’s Impact on Democracy and Human Rights is a qualitative monitor and a “one-stop-shop” online global monitoring tool/of the democracy and human rights implications of measures adopted by governments around the world in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, specifically in the 162 countries included in International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices.
It is aimed to be a user-friendly tool for policy-makers, civil society organizations, journalists, and the general public to easily access in one place all democracy and human rights-related information on COVID-19 measures, by country, by region and globally.
To help the reader navigate the democracy and human rights impacts of measures and developments in a country, two symbols are used:
Symbol |
Explanation |
Concerning developments from a democracy and human rights perspective. COVID-19 related measures or developments that violate human rights or democratic benchmarks, because considered either disproportionate, unnecessary, illegal or indefinite. |
Potentially concerning – to watch COVID-19 related measures or developments to watch from a democracy and human rights perspective. These may lead to a violation of human rights or democratic benchmarks and be considered disproportionate, unnecessary, illegal or indefinite if enforced or maintained over time. |
No symbol |
No evidence that measures taken are undemocratic, being disproportionate, unnecessary, illegal or indefinite. |
The methodology and codebook used for the Global Monitor can be accessed here.
The information is organized and presented around the five attributes in International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy framework (Representative Government, Fundamental Rights, Checks on Government, Impartial Administration and Participatory Engagement). To access a country profile click on the country on the map or go to the country/region profiles tab, and type the country you would like to access.
Contextual democracy data: Global State of Democracy Indices
The 162 COVID-19 country profiles also provide information on the political regime type of countries and pre-pandemic (2019) democratic performance scores and levels for the five attributes (sub-divided into a total of 29 aspects) of democracy in International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Framework. For more information on the Global State of Democracy Indices, click here.
Time period and updates
The information in the Global Monitor covers measures and developments since February 2020. The information in the 162 country profiles will be updated every two weeks until at least March 2021.
The COVID-19 Democracy and Human Rights Global Monitor builds on analysis and data produced both by International IDEA as well as other organizations and media outlets around the world. All the references and sources are listed at the end of each country profile.
Additional Resources
International IDEA produces global comparative knowledege on democracy. During the corona pandemic, International IDEA has redirected much of its knowledge production to focus on COVID-19 and democracy. All International IDEA knowledge resources, events and news on COVID-19 and democracy can be found here.
The COVID-DEM Infohub has been established as an information repository to help democracy analysts worldwide track, compile and share information on how state and government responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) are impacting on democratic governance. It complements the Global Monitor by providing access to the latest global knowledge on democracy and COVID-19. The COVID-DEM Infohub is an initiative of the global platform Democratic Decay and Renewal (DEM-DEC) and is managed by DEM-DEC Director Tom Daly and his team. International IDEA is a partner of DEM-DEC and funds the COVIDE-DEM Infohub as part of the Global Monitor project.
The COVID-19 Democracy and Human Rights Global Monitor is co-funded by the European Union and implemented by International IDEA. The Global Monitor builds on and brings into one place information from a number of different sources of partner organizations, including, among others:
Disclaimer and feedback
As the Corona crisis is evolving, measures and actions are changing rapidly and the Global Monitor is developing along with the situation. The information in the Global Monitor has been compiled from a number of secondary sources. While all reasonable care has been taken in the compilation and publication of the contents of the COVID-19 Global Monitor, there may be missing information or information that may be unintentionally misportrayed. If you would like to comment on any of these aspects or if you would like to share additional resources that can further enrich the Global Monitor, email us to