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Youth activism in civil society: strategies for counteracting restrictions to civic space in Latin America & the world

29 March 2023
16:00-17:30 EST
Costa Rica

As a side event to the Costa Rican Summit for Democracy focused on “Promoting the role of youth in political and democratic spaces”,  International IDEA and the Latin American Network and Caribbean for Democracy (Redlad), under the umbrella of the Global Democracy Coalition, propose to organize an event that aims at providing a space for young people in the Latin American region to exchange their experiences of restrictive civic spaces where freedoms of association, peaceful assembly and expression have either been closed or are closing.





  • Solayman Salindato Maso – Co-founder and the Executive Director of Bangsamoro Policy Research Institute.
  • Dennis Sangale Keis – General Director of the Youth Senate Kenya.
  • Željko Vukša-Fejzić – Member of the Presidency representing the Youth of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA)


The event will take place at the Auditorio Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Costa Rica.

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