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What happened in the Sri Lankan Presidential Elections? Learning from the findings of election observer groups

24 September 2024
16:00 - 18:00 Colombo Time
Sheraton Colombo Hotel, Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan presidential election has been anticipated by the people of Sri Lanka and news-watchers worldwide. This 2-hour event is intended to provide accounts for the diplomatic and expatriate community in Sri Lanka, the media as well as the global audiences on how the 21 September presidential election was conducted from the watchful eyes of accredited election observers on the ground. 

Representatives from international and domestic observer groups will take part as panellists sharing their findings and experiences. The event will also provide a rare opportunity for the domestic and international observer groups to discuss with one another their observation and findings.

The event will be conducted in a hybrid fashion with up to 100 participants attending in person with others joining online via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook. Links to the online platforms will be shared soon. 

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Participants from all over the world will be provided the opportunity to ask questions to the observer groups’ representatives as time allows. 

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