What happened in the 2023 Thai election?

Thailand’s May 14 election has been one of the most closely tracked polls the country has ever held. The outcome will not be finalised for 60 days, but the campaign period as well as voting patterns and conduct of the poll are being carefully tracked. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Thailand (FCCT) are pleased to host a panel discussion with election observers to review the lead-up to and aftermath of the poll.
This event offers a rare opportunity to hear directly from those on the ground, including those involved in the country’s first comprehensive nationwide independent vote tally. Panellists will share their findings and their analysis of the local electoral environment. Participants, both in person and online, will be provided the opportunity to ask questions to the panel.
Come and hear experts and organisations including:
- P-Net, represented by Secretary-General Dr Laddawan Tantivitayapitak
- iLaw (Internet Law Reform Dialogue), represented by Director Yingcheep Atchanont
- Watcher Campaign, Adisak Limparungpatakit, head of Watcher Campaign and director of Digital Television Association of Thailand
- Dr Gothom Arya, Coordinator of the Election Campaign Code of Conduct
MODERATOR: Panu Wongcha-um, Reuters senior correspondent (Thailand) and FCCT past president
Please note, FCCT non-members entry fee is 300THB.
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