Webinar: Which traits make a CSO an electoral activist?

A strong civil society is recognized as an important contributor to both launching and sustaining a transition to democratic governance. The role of civil society in elections often takes the form of support for the institutional processes of a democratic election as well as the more substantive empowerment of a democratic electorate. Civil society does, however, have a role to play in reducing election-related conflict dynamics and promoting a peaceful electoral environment.
This webinar will explore the traits that make a civil society organization (CSO) viable electoral reform advocates. The speakers for the webinar will share their experience on how they have been effective activists promoting electoral reform in their respective countries and the important roles they played in the electoral field. The CSOs in the Melanesian region can utilise the information shared for the benefit of their own countries’ electoral processes.
The Webinar will take place on 24 June 2021, from 14:00 to 15:00 Fiji Time and accessible via a link that will be shared upon registration.
The speakers in the webinar:
- Luie Tito Guia, Former Election Commissioner, Philippines
- Titi Anggraini, Board Member Perludem, Indonesia
The moderator for the webinar:
- Romulo Nayacalevu, Former Governance Manager, MSG Secretariat
Click to the registration: MelanesiaWebinar3