Webinar 3: Citizens Watching Parliament

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) invites you to an online panel event, Webinar 3: “Citizens Watching Parliament”, on Wednesday, 05 July 2023, from 12:00 - 13:30 GMT +12.
Democracy is receding in Asia and the Pacific, while authoritarianism solidifies. Only 54 percent of people in the region live in a democracy, and almost 85 percent of those live in one that is weak or backsliding. Even high- and mid-performing democracies, such as Australia, Japan, and Taiwan are suffering democratic erosion. Although highly diverse, common elements eroding democracy are, inter alia, rising ethno-nationalism, military intervention in political processes, patronage politics, and executive aggrandizement. This negative trend is tearing the social contract apart in many countries, with a demand for increased accountability and an overhaul of the political system in countries as varied as Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
The Melanesian region in the Pacific has its own share of democratic erosion. Populist movements have gained traction by attacking democratic institutions and norms, and the prevalence of 'fake news' and digital disinformation has created a need for citizens to act as a counterbalance to these trends. Watching parliament gives citizens a chance to see their representatives in action and understand how decisions are made. It also provides an opportunity for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions on issues that affect them directly. This feedback can help shape policy decisions and ensure that the government is working towards the betterment of society.
However, citizen engagement in parliamentary proceedings can be hindered by factors such as language barriers, limited access to information, and lack of resources. To overcome these challenges, governments should provide translation services, increase transparency through public access to information laws, and invest in civic education programs. Join the webinar to hear from the various speakers on their experiences.
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- Date: Wednesday, 05 July 2023
- Time: 12:00 – 13:30 (GMT +12)
- Platform: ZOOM
- James Kan, Vice President, Citizen’s Congress Watch, Taiwan.
- Lusia Lagilevu, Programme Manager, Citizens Constitutional Forum, Fiji.
- William Nasak, Chairman, Vanuatu Association of Non-Government Organizations.
- Amelia Rigsby, TV Producer & host, Fijian Broadcasting Corporation.