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Transforming social norms: Advancing women's leadership

10 March 2025
10.00 – 11.15 (EST)
UNHQ, New York
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Thirty years after the Beijing Conference, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPFA) remain a blueprint for equality. Amid global challenges, women leaders face increasing attacks, impacting progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Structural, socioeconomic, and cultural barriers, rooted in unequal power relations and discriminatory norms, hinder women's participation. Today just 25 countries are headed by a woman. Women make up 22.9 per cent of cabinet members heading ministries, 27.2% of national legislators, and 35.5% of local legislature positions.

The CSW65 Agreed Conclusions, the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) through its Action Coalition (AC6) on Feminist Movement and Leadership as well as recent normative developments culminating with the adoption of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems, have put special focus on advancing women’s leadership and participation in political and public life and provide renewed commitments towards achieving parity in decision-making through intersectional, inclusive feminist leadership, and structural transformation —which align closely with the WYDE Women’s Leadership initiative. 

Against such a backdrop, the European Union is funding an initiative implemented by UN Women, International IDEA, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). Launched during CSW68 in 2024, the WYDE | Women’s Leadership initiative is a collaborative global effort working to advance women’s full and effective political participation, representation and decision-making at all levels, especially those most often left furthest behind. Over three years, WYDE | Women’s Leadership will leverage collective action, partnerships, coordination, knowledge, and resources at global level to advance women’s political participation and decision-making through social norms change, networking and global advocacy. 

As part of the social norms work, the project is aiming to promote ‘transformative social norms through evidence-based advocacy and capacity building’ and the side-event presents an opportunity to deep-dive into this work. 


The in-person side event will bring WYDE Women’s Leadership partners as well as representatives from the EU together with members of Parliament, local governments, women’s movements, civil society organizations, experts and women leaders, including from youth groups with the objectives to: 

  • Engage in a dialogue on social norms impact on women’s political participation. 
  • Share of good practices in identifying and addressing discriminatory social norms surrounding women’s political participation. 
  • Hear from partners, women’s groups, office holders and experts on their efforts to promote social norms change as one of the enduring challenges to women’s political participation. 

The event will ensure a diverse representation of stakeholders, including geographical balance and youth representation.


10.00-10.15am Welcome and Opening Remarks: 

  • Chiara Adamo, Head of Unit, Human Rights, Gender and Democratic Governance, Directorate General International Partnerships, European Commission 
  • Sarah Hendriks, Director, Policy, Programme, Intergovernmental Division, UN Women 
  • Video on WYDE Women’s Leadership

10.15-10.50am Discussion Segment: Social Norms and Women’s Political Participation

Women’s right to equal political participation and representation is integral to the Beijing Platform for Action adopted 30 years ago. However, this right is far from realised at any level of government, in large part because of discriminatory social norms that constrain women’s voice and participation. Panelists are invited to engage in a discussion about the role and impact of social norms on women’s participation in political and public life and hear about initiatives seeking to combat discriminatory norms. 

  • Brenda Kombo, Setting the Scene, UN Women consultant  

Moderated discussion with: 

  • Member of Parliament, TBC  
  • Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, Principal Adviser, Democracy and Inclusion/WYDE Women’s Leadership Initiative, International IDEA  
  • Emil Broberg, Councillor of Östergötland Region (Sweden), Member of the Board of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) 
  • Abosede George-Ogan, Founder/Executive Director, Women in Leadership Advancement Network (WILAN) 
  • Youth representative/AC6 member (TBC) 

10.50-11.10am Questions & Answers 

11.15am  Closing Remarks

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