Tracing Money Behind Online Political Communication

Enhancing transparency in the flow of money in the public sphere is a major driver for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially the realization of SDG16 on peaceful, just and inclusive institutions. Inadequately controlled political finance is one of the most widely exploited entry points for illicit financial flows and for narrow private interests to exert undue influence over public policies and policymaking processes.
All over the world, spending on online political advertisements is increasing, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic as social distancing protocols disrupt in-person and print media campaign strategies. Despite the growing expenditure by political actors on online campaigns, its regulation is almost non-existent. Such lack of regulation has the potential to further pronounce the problem of corruption, lack of transparency of campaign expenditure and negative influence of money in politics.
The event will take the form of a panel discussion and will highlight the challenges of regulating online campaign finance, identify key regulatory issues that require the immediate attention of policymakers and oversight agencies, and explore opportunities for inter-agency and international cooperation.
Moderator: Yukihiko Hamada, Programme Manager, International IDEA
Khushbu Agrawal, Programme Officer, International IDEA
Sandra Ximena Martinez Rosas, Programme Director, Transparency International Colombia
Jorge Valladares, Research and Policy Expert, Transparency International Secretariat