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Technical Training and Consultation on International IDEA Electoral Risk Management Tool in Botswana

13 June 2023 - 15 June 2023
Gaborone, Botswana

Botswana is scheduled to hold its general elections in 2024, and the Botswana Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is undertaking efforts to strengthen institutional capacity to manage electoral risks to ensure that the forthcoming elections are credible and peaceful. To achieve this, the IEC is positioning itself early enough to identify and respond to various electoral risks throughout different phases of the electoral cycle. International IDEA has developed the Electoral Risk Management Tool (ERM Tool) to assist electoral management bodies (EMBs) seeking to adopt or improve risk management processes. Implementing the ERMTool helps user organizations understand electoral risks better, develop situational awareness and make well-informed and conflict-sensitive electoral decisions. 

The technical training will include a step-by-step introduction of the ERMTool application for the Risk Management focal persons in IEC and some staff that will be involved in the direct implementation of the data collection and analysis aspects of the Commission’s risk management initiative’s. In addition, the training will include several practical exercises designed to reinforce learning outcomes and to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of the ERMTool and its implementation.

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