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Summit for electoral democracy

18 May 2022
13:30 GTM
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The Secretary-General of International IDEA, Kevin Casas-Zamora, will address a message to all participants in the Summit for Electoral Democracy, during the launch ceremony on May 18, at 13:30 GMT, which will be transmitted on YouTube.

This event is an opportunity for global reflection and the creation of an action plan to address the challenges faced by international organizations and electoral authorities from various countries. The objective is to improve their performance and initiate a global movement that consolidates the best practices in electoral processes. "Democrats seek to find solutions while preserving freedoms. It is an intellectual, cultural, political, institutional and moral challenge," states the conceptual document of the Summit.


13:30 Opening Remarks Lorenzo Córdova

  • Councilor President of the National Electoral Institute of Mexico

13:35 International IDEA Kevin

  • Casas-Zamora, General Secretary

13:37 Organization of American States (OAS)

  • Luis Almagro, General Secretary

13:39 Kofi Annan Foundation (KAF)

  • Corinne Momal-Vanian, Executive Director

13:41 Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH)

  • Jose Thompson, Executive Director

13:43 Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO)

  • Zsolt Szolnoki, former General Secretary

13:45 International Foundation of Electoral Systems (IFES)

  • Anthony Banbury, President

13:47 International Republican Institute (IRI)

  • Antonio Garrastazu, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean

13:49 Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute

  • Andrew Rudman, Director

13:51 United States Internacional Center for Electoral Support (USICES)

  • Henry Atem, Executive Director

13:53 National Democratic Institute (NDI)

  • Richard L. Klein, Global Elections Director

13:55 United Nations Development Program (UNDP)-Arab States

  • Luis Martinez-Betanzos, Regional Electoral Advisor Arab States

13:57 Association of World Elections Bodies (A-WEB)

  • Seung Ryeol Kim, advisor to the General Secretary

13:59 Inter-American Union of Electoral Bodies (UNIORE)

  • Roman Jaquez, co-President of UNIORE and President of the Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic

14:01 Superior Electoral Court of Brazil Justice

  • Carlos Bastide Horbach

14:03 Election Commission of India

  • Chandra Bhushan Kumar, Deputy Election Commissioner


More details about the event's agenda can be found on the website of the National Electoral Institute (INE) in Spanish and English.


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