State of Emergency in the Contemporary World

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Law invite you to the hybrid seminar, “State of Emergency in the Contemporary World” on Friday, 19 August 2022, 09:00 – 11:30 Jakarta time at the S&T Multimedia Room, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked many questions about the constitutionality of states of emergency. The panellists will discuss how to minimise the abuse of such powers and compare different countries' utilisation of this power.
Attending this live panel discussion:
- Professor Tom Ginsburg, co-author of ‘The Bound Executive: Emergency Powers during the Pandemic’ (University of Chicago)
- Professor Jimly Asshiddiqie (Universitas Indonesia)
- Dr. Quarrata Ayuni (Universitas Indonesia)
Rizky Banyualam (Universitas Indonesia) will moderate this panel.
Kindly confirm your attendence in person via email to Adhy Aman (
To attend via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 960 4952 8834
Passcode: 146017