Senate Lecture Series: The global state of democracy – how parliaments can rejuvenate democracy

The global state of democracy in 2023 is complex, fluid, and unequal. Marking this year's International Day of Democracy, Leena Rikkilä Tamang will share insights from the most recent data of the Global State of Democracy Indices, diving into the performance of effective parliaments.
Over the last five years, the world has witnessed the most widespread, significant declines in two of the bedrocks of democratic governance: credible elections and effective parliaments. These declines have impacted every region of the world. But, in the face of proliferating and evolving threats to democracy, some parliaments around the world are stepping up as examples in responding to democratic declines.
Closer to home, this lecture will also consider how Australia fares in global and peer comparisons of its state of democracy and the effectiveness of its parliaments, and why it is crucial for Australia to protect democracy within and beyond its borders.
Public lunchtime lectures held at Parliament House in Canberra, on topics related to Parliament and governance. Related papers are published in the Papers on Parliament series.
For more information, contact Billie Phillips []