Round table on Democratization in Africa

International IDEA is convening a round table to facilitate discussions on democratization in Africa, looking specifically at emerging trends in political transitions, electoral integrity and civic participation as three key areas for addressing the future of democracy in Africa. The event will also present the findings and recommendations on popular uprisings in Africa and the responses of the African Union (AU) and regional institutions to transitions emanating from such uprisings.
The round table seeks to provide a platform for the AU, regional economic communities, and their technical partners to draw lessons from recent events on the continent and proffer policy recommendations to strengthen the efforts of regional institutions at deepening democracy on the continent.
The round table event will bring together key intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions that have a shared mandate on democratization in Africa. This in-person event with livestream on social media will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 15-16 September 2022.
The first day of the event will feature three panels namely:
- Recent Political Transitions in Africa: towards democratic progress or regression. A lead panellist will speak on recent transitions and three discussants will highlight case studies from Chad, Libya and Sudan.
- Electoral Processes in Africa: the Role of the International Community in Restoring Integrity and Progress towards Consolidation. This panel will assess whether elections remain central to democratization in Africa. And whether recent electoral process have imbibed the learning drawn from the pandemic and specifically review the role of the AU and regional economic communities in promoting peaceful elections and strengthening capacity for professional election management within Africa’s dynamic political context.
- Retracing the Path to Democratization through Stronger Civic Spaces in Africa: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend of Africa’s Youth. ‘This panel will assess the state of civic space in Africa and proffer recommendations on enhancing active youth participation.
On the second day of the event, International IDEA will present the findings and recommendations of its recent study on popular uprisings in Africa for validation. The second day of the event will end at lunch hour.
The round table will bring together representatives of the United Nations, the AU, regional economic communities, the diplomatic corps in Addis Ababa and international non-profit organizations working on democratic governance in Africa.
Expected output
Drawing on the deliberations at the round table, International IDEA will develop a policy brief of the role of the AU and regional economic communities in democratization in Africa and a policy brief on popular uprisings and political transitions in Africa.
Follow the event live on International IDEA Africa and West Asia Programme Facebook page via the following link: <>