Representation in the Age of Populism? Ideas for Global Action

The appeal of traditional institutions for political representation, such as political parties and legislatures, seems to be in decline in both established and developing democracies alike. Increasingly, new forms of political action and agendas emerge, including different forms of Populism.
This conference will address whether populism—in all its different forms and shapes—signifies a potential demise of representative democracy, or if it triggers a renewal? Experts from across the globe will gather in Brussels to shape a Global Agenda for the Renewal of Political Representation. Over the course of 10 sessions, they will address global action on social movements, party innovation, social media and legislation, among other topics.
Speakers include:
Enrico Letta
Michele Bachelet
Chantal Delsol
Cas Mudde
Delia Ferreira
Athena Tong
Richard Youngs