Registration is open: Effective Human Rights Engagement for Parliamentary Bodies Toolkit launch
INTER PARES is organising the “Effective Human Rights Engagement for Parliamentary Bodies” webinar on Tuesday, 20 September 2022, from 14:00 to 16:30 CEST.
The seminar will bring together parliamentarians and human rights experts to engage in a dialogue to reinforce the position of parliaments as key human rights actors.
It will be structured around three panels that will discuss the role of parliaments in human rights and effective ways for their engagement from the lens of three key actors: parliamentarians; stakeholders like civil society actors, National Human Rights Institutions and academia; and intergovernmental organisations that work in the field.
The event will serve to launch INTER PARES’ new publication on parliaments and human rights, “Effective Human Rights Engagement for Parliamentary Bodies: A Toolkit” prepared by Kirsten Roberts Lyer, leading expert and scholar on human rights and parliaments.
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Visit the Inter Pares | Parliament in Partnership website for more details.