Regional Discussion: Strengthening Voters' Role In Elections Amid Pandemic

Elections during pandemic worried many parties, including South Korea, which was considered successful in holding elections amid the pandemic on 15 April 2020. At that time, the election organizers were concerned over voter turnout on polling day. To ensure a sense of security from Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the election was held with a strict COVID-19 protocol, which impacted on the swelling of the election costs nearly doubled.
As part of efforts to strengthen the role of civil society, civil society organizations, regional organizations and international organizations in supporting the integrity of elections amid pandemic, especially those conducting election observations amid pandemic, the Association for Elections and Democracy or Perludem with the support of the Programme, The Asia Pacific Regional Support for Elections and Political Transitions (RESPECT) will hold discussion on the topic "Strengthening Voters Role in Election Amid Pandemic". This discussion will discuss the following matters:
1. Condition and position of voters, especially women and people with disabilities, in Indonesia 2020 Simultaneous Head Elections and Myanmar 2020 General Election.
2. Political rights of voters, especially women and people with disabilities, who need attention in pandemic elections.
3. Things need to be considered by voters, especially women and disability voters, during the pandemic election.
4. Strategies to build a bargaining position as voters, especially women and disability, in pandemic election.