Protecting Democratic Elections through Safeguarding Information Integrity: Launch of the Policy Brief

The year 2024 is a massive year for elections globally. More than 4 billion people will have the opportunity to cast ballots in democratic elections. Safeguarding electoral integrity requires ensuring availability of reliable election-related information, confidence in credible journalism and access to a diversity of viewpoints. Yet, the 2024 elections already face new threats in a constantly evolving digital information ecosystem.
To address these challenges, Democracy Reporting International, the Forum on Information and Democracy and International IDEA have jointly developed policy recommendations to protect democratic elections through safeguarding information integrity. Addressed to governments and platforms, these Top 10 recommendations provide guidance to ensure the trustworthiness and plurality of information during elections, diminish the reach and effects of dis- and misinformation, strengthen the accountability of highly influential actors and enable independent scrutiny of efforts.
Join the online launch of our policy brief for a discussion with policymakers, Electoral Management Bodies, researchers and civil society on how to safeguard information integrity for democratic elections.
Introductory remarks by Laura Chinchilla, former Costa Rican President and Vice Chair of the Board of International IDEA
Policy Brief Presentation by Michael Bąk, Executive Director, Forum on Information and Democracy
Panel Debate moderated by Michael Meyer-Resende, Executive Director, DRI
Janet Jove, Commissioner, South African Electoral Commission
Ms. Renate Nikolay. Deputy Director General, DG CNECT
Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Ruediger, director of the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI)
Concluding remarks by Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary General of International IDEA
Stay tuned for further information on the speakers and the programme and register here.