Perceptions of Democracy Survey Report Launch

International IDEA is launching on 11 April the Perceptions of Democracy Survey (PODS), aimed at identifying how people understand and assess a range of attributes of democracy in their country contexts. Its unique value-add is a comparison of expert assessments and public evaluations of democracy and a comparison of representative samples and marginalized groups. The first PODS report, marking the launch of a series, provides analysis of 19 countries, focusing on three broad themes: how (and if) democracies deliver, people’s values, and public satisfaction and trust in political institutions.
The report findings are striking, revealing significant disparities between public and expert evaluations of democracy, as well as differences in the democratic experiences of average respondents and marginalized individuals.
Note: A post-event summary of the launch and recording will be sent to participants upon registration.
Agenda items
Opening remarks
Dr Kevin Casas Zamora, Secretary-General, International IDEA
Presentation of the Perceptions of Democracy Survey (PODS) Report
Dr Seema Shah, Head of International Democracy Assessment Unit, International IDEA
Panel discussion
Moderator: Ms Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, Principal Adviser, Democracy and Inclusion, International IDEA
Ms Antje Scheidler, Program Director for Democracy, Robert Bosch Stiftung
Dr Massimo Tommasoli, Director of Global Programmes, International IDEA
Closing Remarks
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We advance democracy worldwide, as a universal human aspiration and an enabler of sustainable development, through support to the building, strengthening and safeguarding of democratic political institutions and processes at all levels.