Perceptions of corruption in Fiji and Melanesian anti-corruption mechanisms

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) invites you to an online panel: “Perceptions of corruption in Fiji and Melanesian anti-corruption mechanisms” on Tuesday 4 April 2023, from 11:00-12:30 (GMT +12).
Held as part of the Democratic Development in Melanesia webinar series, this panel discussion will focus on Fiji and the Melanesian region. In the 2022 Corruption Perception Index rating, Fiji with a score of 53 offers some hope for the future, despite the warning sign of a two-point drop compared to 2021. In 2022, the government started to retaliate against journalists for publishing articles that were "contrary to the public or national interest," threatening to punish or even imprison them. Amendments to election law also gave the Supervisor of Election extraordinary powers and limited free speech. However, the December elections produced a new coalition government, ending the 16-year rule of the incumbent. The new prime minister and government have already begun to implement a 100-day plan that includes provisions to protect media freedom and whistleblowing. The panel will discuss the progress made so far and the remaining challenges.
The size, geographical remoteness, and shared cultural traditions of Melanesian countries present a number of challenges to their long-term development and anti-corruption initiatives. In light of this and despite having generally well-developed legal and regulatory frameworks, corruption poses a serious problem for Melanesian nations and takes many different forms, including political, administrative, and bureaucratic corruption. The legal and regulatory frameworks need to be resourced to operate fully. The panel will discuss how to go about operationalising the anti-corruption institutions and frameworks.
- Date: Tuesday, 4 April 2023
- Time: 11:00 – 12:30 (GMT +12)
- Platform: ZOOM
- Dr Joseph Veramu, Executive Director, Integrity Fiji.
- Dr Grant Walton, Fellow, Development Policy Centre, Australia
- Ms Lice Movono, Pacific Affairs Journalist