Panel Discussion 1: The Impacts of Electoral System in Fiji

The first Panel Discussion is on “The Impacts of Electoral System in Fiji”. Fiji’s 2013 Constitution and related electoral legal framework introduced substantial changes to Fiji’s electoral system and processes, marking departure from Fiji’s previous constitutions since independence in 1970. These changes brought about also new expectations, anxieties and at times, also suspicions. It is intended at increasing public confidence in elections in Fiji through increasing knowledge and understanding of key elements of Fiji’s electoral system and processes, and international best practices.
This Panel Discussion aims to increase the participants’ understanding and knowledge of Fiji's electoral system. It will provide opportunities for participants ironing out misunderstanding and misgivings about the electoral system in place in Fiji.
- Date: 1 March 2022
- Time: 14:00-15:30 GMT +12
- Hybrid Mode : Zoom Platform and Holiday Inn, Suva
- Alan Wall, Senior Global Election Expert
- Nilesh Lal, Executive Director, Dialogue Fiji