Launch of the SDG16 Data Initiative Global Report 2023

We are at the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda and many challenges remain, so no one is ‘left behind’ as promised in 2015 by all 193 United Nations member states.
One of these challenges is promoting just, peaceful, and inclusive societies (identified as Sustainable Development Goal 16 – SDG16).
Concept Note
In September 2015, a ‘bold new global agenda to end poverty by 2030 and pursue a sustainable future’ was unanimously adopted by all 193 United Nations member states. This agenda was met with ‘a thunderous standing ovation’, including from many world leaders. Applauding and cheering, however, are substantially easier than ending hunger, achieving gender equality, and building effective and accountable institutions at all levels.
Today, we are at the halfway point and many challenges remain, so no one is ‘left behind’. One key condition for meeting sustainable development and all SDGs consists in promoting just, peaceful, and inclusive societies (identified as Sustainable Development Goal 16 – SDG16).
This 2023 SDG16 Data Initiative report, ‘A “Bold New Agenda” is falling short: the perils and promises of SDG16’, published at the mid-point of the 2030 Agenda, presents an outlook on the situation for SDG16 according to the non-official data and with the latest evidence, outlines the main challenges ahead and makes recommendations not only on improving data collection, coverage and quality, but also on stepping up efforts to achieve SDG16 by 2030.

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