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Launch of the Protecting Politics Reports

29 November 2016
Stockholm, Sweden
Malians vote in 2013 presidential election
The nexus between organized crime and politics is a growing global concern that affects new as well as established democracies, as it erodes the very principles of democratic governance such as rule of law, equal exercise of citizenship rights, responsiveness and transparency. Political corruption is the preferred tool for illicit networks to advance their businesses.
In spite of this, the global comparative knowledge of the relations between organized crime and politicians remains limited, particularly policy-oriented analysis about their nature and dynamics. International IDEA’s Protecting Politics project and Money in Politics initiative aim to address this gap. As part of these projects, International IDEA conducted further thematic research regarding specific areas of democratic governance particularly affected by organized crime, focusing on the topics of elections, political parties, local democracy and service delivery. These respective four topics are the focus of the four reports produced in partnership with the Clingendael Institute and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime.
Two pre-launch events in The Hague and Geneva preseded this final launch in Stockholm at International IDEA’s headquarters on 29 November 2016, bringing together the four reports into one comprehensive discussion. 
This event will also be livestreamed on International IDEA's Facebook page.
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