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Launch of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024

23 November 2020
14:30 – 16:00 (CET)

The European External Action Service organize the launch event of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024, which is a key political initiative of the HRVP Josep Borrell. 

In a shifting geopolitical landscape, the EU is at the forefront of the protection of human rights and democracy. The new Action Plan adopted by the Council sets out ambitions and priorities for the next five years in this field of external relations and will contribute to achieving a stronger Europe in the world.

The event will offer an opportunity to launch the EU Action Plan and outline the main objectives; emphasize the EU´s roadmap on human rights and democracy for the next five years; foster connections among stakeholders to exchange effective implementation of the Action Plan, and discuss how the EU can address effectively current and future challenges using its instruments and tools. The EU Special Representative on Human Rights, Mr. Eamon Gilmore, will give the opening address. This will be followed by a forward-looking discussion.


  • Ms. Heather GRABBE – Director of Open Society European Policy Institute
  • Ms. Patricia LLOMBART CUSSAC - EU Head of Delegation, Colombia
  • Mr. Olivier de SCHUTTER – UNSR on extreme poverty and human rights
  • Mr. Kevin CASAS ZAMORA – Secretary-General of International IDEA

Moderator: Ms. Shada Islam

Participants will be invited to ask questions to the EU Special Representative and the panelists and contribute to the discussion in English, French, or Spanish (within the time available).

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