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IRDD Sixth High Level Meeting and World Forum for Democracy

07 November 2016 - 09 November 2016
Strasbourg, France

The 2016 World Forum for Democracy will focus on the relationship between education and democracy, and will examine whether these two concepts can reinforce each other and together address the risks of new social divides. This fits into the broader topic of equality and development, which are key components of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The global education agenda is part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that make up the 2030Agenda for sustainable development. The Global Goals and targets aim to stimulate action over the next 15 years to lift and boost the people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. The SDGs reflect the important role of education by encapsulating targets in a stand-alone goal. Education is also included in goals on health, growth and employment, sustainable consumption and production, and climate change.

Having a discussion on the Regional Outlook on the Implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as the general guideline for the work of all key stakeholders is key to explore the different realities of each region, while bringing to the table the complexities of the context in which the implementation of these 17 goals will take place.

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