International IDEA's third retreat for African regional economic communities in Nairobi

This retreat, like the preceding ones held in Banjul, Gambia in 2022, and in Abuja, Nigeria in 2023 respectively, is designed to be a reflective forum, where constitution building and peace building professionals, as well as senior officials from governments and regional multilateral organizations, engage in strategic conversations on crises of democratic constitutional order in Africa. The retreat provides an opportunity for them to consider how corrective mechanisms have worked based on experience.
The theme of the 3rd annual retreat is “Addressing Challenges to Democratic Governance in Africa”. Participants will deliberate on these issues from their different experiences in dealing with and understanding complex constitutional transitions and Unconstitutional Change of Governments (UCGs).
The Special Envoys Retreat will bring together around 50 participants including Representatives of the Government of Kenya, Heads of Regional Economic Communities, The AU High Representative on Silencing the Guns, Representatives and Resource persons from AUC and RECs, , Senior Officials from African Countries, Academics, Think Thanks, Representatives of Civil Societies Organizations, Representatives from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Netherlands Ambassadors, Representatives from International IDEA partners such as the European Union, USAID and others.
The African Special Envoys Retreat is supported by a fund from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.