How are refugees and asylum seekers engaging in political life in their host and origin countries?

International IDEA will host a round table discussion on “Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Democracy” on 5–6 September 2017, at International IDEA’s headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. This round table is organized in the context of International IDEA’s project on “Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Democracy”, which focuses on the impact of refugees and asylum seekers in political life of their host and origin countries, through formal and non-formal means of political participation.
In this regard, field research and collection of qualitative data has been conducted in eight host countries (Sweden, Germany, UK, Turkey, Lebanon, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda) through face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions with refugees and asylum seekers from five origin countries (Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo).
The case studies will be presented at the round table which will bring together academic experts and practitioners working on issues relevant to the civic and political participation of refugees and asylum seekers in host and origin countries.
The round table aims to:
- Discuss the case study findings from a comparative perspective;
- Identify the key challenges and good practices with regards to civic and political participation of refugees and asylum seekers in the host and origin countries covered in the case studies;
- Share lessons learnt between the participants; and
- Formulate policy recommendations in relation to the civic and political participation of refugees and asylum seekers in host and origin countries.
The outcome of the round table discussions will be used as an input for the development of the “Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Democracy” report to be launched by International IDEA in 2018.