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The global state of democracy: money, influence, corruption and capture. Can democracy be protected?

10 November 2017
13:30 PM
Vienna, Austria
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People holding a sign that read, 'Money Corrupts' outside of Milwaukee County Court. 'Get money out of politics' is projected on the wall behind them.

Corruption scandals have affected countries in every region. These events have fuelled distrust in democracy and have undermined the integrity of the political systems.

Drawing from International IDEA’s new publication, The Global State of Democracy, this panel will explore how democracy can be protected from the pernicious influence of money, both legal and illicit. The panel will enable the key policymakers to share knowledge about the latest comparative research on the global state of democracy, focusing on the negative effects of money in politics.

The panel is organized as a side event during the seventh session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). For more details, visit the Conference's website and side events here.

For the event's webcast in room M06, click here.

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