Gender and social inclusion policy and electoral law reform workshop

Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is working to promote the organization of credible and participatory elections in the Kingdom of Lesotho.
Building on past election experiences, post-election reports and election observation recommendations, to mention a few, the IEC has embarked on an ambitious process to engage actively in electoral reform. In this context, the IEC requested the support of International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Support (International IDEA) to support IEC in
- Developing an institutional Gender and Social Inclusion policy that can ; and
- Assess the legal framework governing elections in Lesotho to serve as a basis for the IECs input to the electoral law reform process.
As part of this work, the IEC is, with the support of International IDEA, organizing a stakeholder workshop to further engage with and receive views/feedback on progress made so far.
The overall objectives of this workshop is to deliberate on electoral reform needs and requirements with a view to promote free and fair elections and democratic development for the Kingdom of Lesotho. The workshop is split into two sections with focus on 1) the Gender and Social Inclusion Policy (day 1-2) and on 2) electoral law reform (day 3-5).
The workshop will gather about 40 participants from the following electoral stakeholder groups in Lesotho: political parties registered with IEC but who are not in Parliament, civil society organizations (CSOs) Faith-based Organizations (FBOs), relevant Government ministries, Media (Print and Electronic) International Partners, Developmental Partners and IEC staff . Furthermore, the workshop will mainly be facilitated by IEC staff as well as by IDEA affiliates.