EU´s external democracy action in a new geopolitical reality

Sweden and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) have the pleasure to invite you to “EU´s external democracy action in a new geopolitical reality”, an in-person multi-stakeholder conference and recommendations report launch.
Building on the legacy of the previous Swedish Presidency in 2009, which led to the first EU Council Conclusions on Democracy Support, Sweden aims at putting democracy high on the EU agenda. The rapidly changing geopolitical environment and the many democracy milestones scheduled for the first half of 2023 (the mid-term review of the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024, the further roll out of the Team Europe Democracy initiative and the preparations of the second Summit for Democracy) require a new reflection on the role, policies and instruments that the EU has to support democracy across the world.
This event is organized to mark the occasion of the launch of a “EU´s external democracy action in a new geopolitical reality” recommendations report. It will provide the basis for a discussion on the Swedish and EU priorities, on the functionality of the EU policies and how to further enhance the impact of EU democracy policies and support. The synergies that the EU, its Member States and likeminded partners can build to support democracy world-wide will also be debated.
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